無農薬・無肥料自然栽培米 「つや姫」令和6年産 / 1kg
material : 自然栽培米「つや姫」 令和6年産
size : 1kg / 16 x 9 x H25cm ¥2,000 (¥2,160)
全て無農薬無化学素材でミネラルたっぷりに生産しておりますので、安心して赤ちゃんからご年配の方まで、お食べいただけます。 また、通常の慣行栽培のつや姫より、あっさりした繊細な食感ですので、お料理とのマリアージュにも優れており、伝統のフレンチのシェフの方々や日本料理の方々にも大変ご注目をいただいております。 皆様に美味しいお米を楽しんでいただくために、心で制作しております。
Superfuture cultivates "Tsuyahime" in Higashiokitama-gun, Yamagata Prefecture by natural cultivation without pesticides and fertilizers, and with the idea of inheriting the tradition of rice cultivation, rice planting is planted by hand, rice is harvested by hand, dried in the sun with a honnyo (ina kake), and selected by sorting each grain after polishing.
All of our rice is grown without pesticides or chemicals and is rich in minerals, so it can be safely eaten by everyone from babies to the elderly. In addition, it has a lighter and more delicate texture than conventionally grown Tsuyahime, so it pairs well with food and has attracted the attention of traditional French chefs and Japanese chefs. We produce our rice with care, so that everyone can enjoy delicious rice.